Navigation: Financials > Payment Reports > Failed transactions >
This help guide will explain the different types of payment failures you may come across and what needs to be done by who, in order for the payment to be processed successfully.
Common London & Zurich failure messages:
125: The Customer account is suspended
The bank account itself either doesn’t exist or is unable to process direct debits for *some* reason. Possible reasons and recommended actions are:
- Account Number is not recognised at the paying bank
- Direct Debit information is incorrect. If appropriate, the contact should set the direct debit up again from the Payment section of their LoveAdmin account.
- In some cases, there may also be an issue at the bank and the contact should contact their bank for further advice.
If a payee is presented with this error, they will need to choose 'Enter new bank details' when making the payment (instead of 'Use bank details held on file').
131: First payment lead time is too short: the earliest collection date is...
A temporary error caused if a collection date submitted is too early to be processed by the London & Zurich system. Generally, the error will occur on payments made over a non-banking day. You do not need to do anything and the payment will process in accordance with the standard timeline.
Refer to Payer
The most common cause of this are insufficient bank funds or a person has contacted their bank to cancel the payment.
Payment Attempt Count Exceeded
If the payment for a contact with a pre-authorisation fails multiple times, the system will stop automatically resubmitting the payment after the second failed attempt. The administrator will need to either collect payment offline from the member or 'Purge' the payment to re-submit the payment for collection under the existing pre-authorisation.
This change was introduced as a result of London & Zurich charging a fee for each failed transaction. As LoveAdmin does not pass this fee on to the organisation nor the member, a mechanism was necessary to prevent charges from escalating.
Common GoCardless failure messages:
Webhook Validation
This system message is returned for several reasons. One is that there was a connection error between banking systems, another is that the payment has been blocked by the bank or that there were insufficient funds in the account to make the payment. It is not possible to know exactly which reason was behind this error message.
Contact without Pre-Authorisation:
If your contact does not have pre-authorised payments set up on their account, the amount will show as outstanding and they will need to log in to their online account and enter their payment details again.
Contact with Pre-Authorisation:
If this has been displayed, and your contact has a valid pre-authorisation set up on their account, the system will continually try to collect payment at midnight (GMT) following each failure.
For payments made by card via PayPal this will be every day. For payments made by Direct Debit via GoCardless payments this will be once a week. When a failed payment is resubmitted, it will show in the system as 'pending' until the system receives a call back from GoCardless. The system will only try to take payment again after receiving the call back from GoCardless that the payment has failed. Each attempt will take into account GoCardless’ transaction time.
If a pre-authorised payment displays this message more than once, you can advise your contact to speak with their bank to make sure that it has not been blocked by them.
Mandate Not Found
This error occurs when the payer bank is unable to process the payment for various reasons such as account closed, or the mandate was cancelled.
Contact without Pre-Authorisation:
The contact will need to log into their online account and enter new payment information
Contact with Pre-Authorisation:
The existing pre-authorisation needs to be cancelled for the amount to show as outstanding in the contacts’ online account. They will then be able to enter new payment information. Click here for instructions on how to cancel pre-authorisations.
Unprocessable Entity message
This usually appears for one of two reasons:
- Your contact has reached the limit for the year. You will need to contact GoCardless, and with the payer's permission, they will increase this limit, so you can continue taking payments. You can contact GoCardless at
- Alternatively, if your contact has pre-authorised payments set up, cancelling the pre-authorisation will enable them to enter their bank details again which will solve this issue. Click here for instructions on how to cancel pre-authorisations.The amount you are trying to process is too low - any payments under £1 will not be able to be processed by GoCardless.
If you see this message as the reason for failure, we have been advised that this is likely due to the bank not authorising the direct debit set-up. You should advise your contact to speak with their bank, so they are allowed to accept direct debits from GoCardless. It could also be that they have given details of an account that does not allow the set-up of direct debits.
Your contact will need to make payment from an alternative account or by different means.
Common PayPal failure messages:
Payment Cannot Be Processed Because No Payment Source Is Available
This PayPal error message appears if your contact has not linked a valid credit or debit card to their PayPal account.
The contact will need to log into their PayPal account and update their payment information.
Contact without Pre-Authorisation:
Once they have updated their PayPal account, they will need to log in to their online account and initiate payment again.
Contact with Pre-Authorisation:
The system will automatically initiate payment for all outstanding payment requests once the contact’s PayPal account is successfully updated.
The total amount of all payments exceeds the maximum total amount for all payments
PayPal has a $2000 transaction limit on each pre-approval.
If this error message is returned, the payee will need to cancel their existing PayPal pre-authorisation in LoveAdmin and set up a new one.
Invalid request: Unilateral payment is depreciated
If you find "Invalid request: Unilateral payment is depreciated" failures against PayPal payments in your LoveAdmin account, then this usually means the email address you have setup your PayPal account in is unconfirmed.
Here’s how to confirm the email address:
- Log in to your PayPal account.
- Click Profile near the top of the page.
- Click Update beside Email.
- Select the email address you want to confirm
- click Confirm and PayPal will send you an email.
- Click the verification link in the email to complete the confirmation process
No instruction
This error will occur if a Direct Debit pre-authorisation has expired. This will typically be the case if there have been no collections from the Direct Debit mandate in the last 13 months.
- How to resolve
Customers have the option to setup a new pre-authorisation either through their online account or when they proceed to make their next payment.
Should you 'Purge', 'Acknowledge', monitor or contact your member when a transaction fails ?
Where a member has a pre-authorisation in place, the 'Purge' button will be available only where a failed payment will not be automatically re-submitted by the system for processing (i.e. where a transaction has been cancelled or the reason for failure is 'Payment Attempt Count Exceeded').
A cancelled transaction will not be automatically re-submitted for collection by the system in order to enable the payment request to be deleted or to be marked as having been paid offline by an administrator.
If a payment is cancelled in this scenario, either by the member or by the club admin, the member will not see the failed payment outstanding when they log into their account. The only way that the payment can be collected without cancelling the member's pre-authorisation, is to purge the payment.
Only 'Purge' the transaction when the failed transaction needs to be re-submitted for collection and the monies are still owed.
When a payment has failed for any other reason, only the 'Acknowledge' button will be available. Acknowledging a failed transaction deletes the reason for failure and removes the transaction from the list of 'Failed transactions' in your Payment reports. It does not re-submit the payment for collection.
We strongly advise you do not use the 'Acknowledge' feature, as this will remove history of failed payment attempts and can make troubleshooting failures more challenging.
When payments fail for a reason other than cancelled payment – Pre-authorised members
When a contact is pre-authorised and a payment fails, (and the details show any reason other than the payment was cancelled or 'Payment Attempt Count Exceeded'), the system will continually try to collect payment until it's successful. The payment must first complete its full transaction cycle, before the system re-attempts collection. Please do not schedule another payment request.
The failed transaction will also appear on the members' contact record in their payment history details. The payment will show as outstanding on the same day as the transaction failed. The overnight scheduler will automatically re-submit it for collection the following day.
Contact your member:
When payments fail for any reason – Non-pre-authorised members
When a payment fails and a member is not pre-authorised, for example due to a network issue, the transaction was cancelled or insufficient bank funds, the payment will automatically appear as outstanding again for the member to sign-in, and pay - There is no need to schedule another payment request.
The failed transaction will also appear on the members' contact record in their payment history details.
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