Follow the simple steps below to create a Class in LoveAdmin:
Step 1: Hover over ‘Payment Options’ found in the navigation bar at the top of the page, then click ‘Classes’.
Step 2: Next, select 'Add new'.
Once you have clicked ‘Add new’ you will begin the process of setting up your Class. To assist you when building classes, the system will ask you to complete a series of steps which will automatically build the class name for you.
Step 3: Enter a prefix for the class name - for example, ‘Squad’ or ‘Recreational’.
Step 4: The next step allows you to ‘Set timetable’. Here, you can select the dates and times your class takes place. Selecting this option will also display the class on the Rota. If you are creating a class for a term you will want to select multiple dates. To do this, simply click on each date the class takes place. Alternatively, you can select all the specific days within a month by clicking on the day at the top of the calendar – for example, clicking Monday will select all the Mondays within a month. To remove a date just click on it again.
When you have selected all the required dates click ‘OK’.
Step 5: You will now see a pop-up box with a list of all the classes.
Step 6: Assign a coach. Here, you can select the number of coaches that you need to assign to the class. Clicking on the ‘Coaches required’ will let you select the number of coaches required for the class. Clicking on ‘Select coach’ will display a list containing all contacts in your account with access rights. You can then assign coaches to the class and enter their hourly rate of pay - you can choose to save this information to one session or save to all sessions. If you want to edit the time of any class click on ‘Edit’, and if you want to edit the coaches for a single session click on ‘Edit coach’.
This information will be viewable from the ‘Rota’ which can be found under the ‘Settings’ tab. From there you will be able to manage the coaches attending your classes, book leave and run a payroll report.
Step 7: Next, you can add an age group - for example, ‘4-5 Years’.
Step 8: Assign a period to the class name - this could be ‘Summer term’.
Step 9: The class name will now be populated in the box with any data you have added. Your organisation name will also be displayed. You can edit this now if needed.
Step 10: You can add any further information regarding the class. This will be displayed above the class if it is positioned on any other form or if selectable from within a contacts account.
Step 11: When people pay for this Class, it is a ‘One-off payment’, or a ‘Recurring payment’.
If it is a recurring payment, you will be able to decide the frequency with which it is taken: Monthly, Quarterly, Bi-annually and Annually.
You can select if you want the system to require people to pre-authorise their payment. So, each time money is due it will get automatically collected and reconciled for you.
If your account is not setup to take payment by Direct Debit, then the system will require people to pre-authorise payments via PayPal. The limitation with PayPal is that pre-authorised agreements only run for 12 months meaning these aren’t suitable for annual memberships that auto-renew.
Step 12: Limit the number of people that can register for this class?
If you have limited space available for the Class, you can cap the number of people that can register.
If you would also like the system to add people to a waiting list once the cap has been reached, you can do by selecting 'Yes' to the question, 'When full, give prospects the option to join a waiting list?'
People registering after the maximum number has been reached will be added to the system group 'Online registrations awaiting approval' - you can view that group under the main menu option 'Contact'. Once you have approved the prospect from there, they will be added to the waiting list.
Please note - if the Class becomes full, people registering for the Class will be notified at the point of registration, so they can decide whether they want to continue or not.
Step 13: Cost of this class – simply, enter the price you wish to charge.
Step 14: Offer an early payment discount?
To encourage people to pay on time you can offer an early payment incentive – this can either be an amount or a percentage.
By selecting ‘applicable on or before’ you can set the date the person has to have registered by to receive the discount.
Step 15: Allow people to pay by instalments?
To help spread the cost, you can allow people to pay by instalments. If someone opts to pay by instalments, they are required to pre-authorise future payments.
Here, you can set the number of payments people can spread the cost over and the frequency with which they are paid - for example, Monthly.
Each time an instalment is due, the system will generate a payment request, collect and reconcile the money for you.
You can choose to notify people of this request when setting up the instalment notification email template (described later in this article).
Step 16: Add an additional cost for people paying by instalments?
You can add an additional fee to the total cost of those opting to pay by instalments - this fee is spread over the number of instalments they need to pay.
Step 17: Ask people not paying by instalments to pre-authorise payments?
This option is useful for collecting payments on an ongoing basis - each time you request money, the system will collect and reconcile the payments for you.
You can choose to make pre-authorisation mandatory, optional or not displayed.
Step 18: Display the option for prospects to register for this class on your registration form:
This allows you to publish the Class on the registration form for the Groups / Categories selected in the question above.
Step 19: Display this class as a standalone option for prospects to register for on your online registration page?
Select this option to display the Class in the main dropdown list of items to register for via your registration page.
Step 20: Take payment at the point of registration?
Selecting ‘Yes’ will require people registering via the registration page to pay at the point of registration. Selecting ‘No’ will put the attendees into the group 'Online registrations awaiting approval' for you to approve and request payment from.
Step 21: Display the option for people to register for this class in their online account
If you want to give existing contacts the option to register for another class, you can make the registration form available for selection in their account.
Step 22: When attendees pay, move or copy them to a new group?
You can choose to select one of two options when someone pays in full for the Class; Copy or Move them to a group. These options are useful if you want to be able to group together everyone who has paid, quickly.
Contacts will be moved/copied to this group once their payment has cleared or been paid offline.
Step 23: After people register for this class, display the form in their online account?
Because contacts can be associated to any number of Classes, Courses and Groups which often have unique forms, when the contact logs into their online account, we provide you with the option to select whether you want them to see the form for the Class they are in.
Typically, the answer will be ‘Yes’ here.
Email Templates
Each Class comes with its own set of email templates that are used when the system sends automated emails out.
The email templates available depend on several settings entered during the setup of the Class. For example, the instalment notification email template will only show if you have opted to receive payment by instalments.
All email templates are customisable and give you the option to select who they should come from, what the subject header should be, whether to insert field data or add an attachment.
Here's a full list of the templates available:
Template 1: Payment Request Email Template
This email template is used when requesting payment from people added to the Class.
Added to the Class could mean adding someone individually, importing people via a spreadsheet or approving people that have registered online. Each of these processes will purge the system to ask if you want to generate a payment request. This email will be used to request payment.
Template 2: Welcome Email Template
This email template is sent to people registering online.
The default text of this email template differs depending on whether you have opted to take payment at the point of registration or you whether you want to vet people before approving their membership.
Please note - this email template will not be available if you have selected 'No' to the option ‘Display this class as a standalone option for prospects to register for on your online registration page?'.
Template 3: Overdue Payment Reminder
If switched on, this will send automatically. You can also set after how many days the reminder should be sent.
Template 4: Renewal Notification Email
For Classes that automatically renew, this email template is used to send the renewal notifications to contacts. This includes the option to switch on / off future notifications.
Template 5: Instalment Notification Email
For Classes that have the option to pay by instalments, this email template is used to send the instalment notifications to contacts. Again, this includes the option to switch on / off any future notifications.
Step 24: Once you've input the settings for the Class and are happy, you can 'Save' or 'Save and build form’. The latter will link you through to the form builder page.
Once you have completed the above steps you will have successfully created your Class
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