Navigation: Payment Options > Courses
Step 1: To begin the process of creating a waiting list for a Course, hover over ‘Payment Options’ in the main menu and select ‘Courses’ in the drop-down menu that appears.
Step 2: Next, select ‘Add new’ to create a new Course, or ‘Edit’ if the Course has already been created.
Step 3: A pop-up box will then appear with options for setting up your Course.
One of the questions you will be asked is, ‘Limit the number of people that can join this Course?’. To set up a waiting list, select ‘Yes’.
Step 4: Once you have selected ‘Yes’, additional fields will appear. Here, you can type the maximum number of people who can join the Course.
Step 5: You will also be asked, ‘When full, give prospects an option to join a waiting list?’ – to set up a waiting list, click ‘Yes’.
Step 6: Complete the Course setup process and click ‘Save and Finish’.
Once this is done, you will have successfully set up your waiting list!
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