Navigation: Payment Options > Payment Calculators
To offer a Payment Calculator to be paid in instalments, follow these steps.
Step 1: To begin the process of setting up instalments for a Payment Calculator, hover over ‘Payment Options’ in the main menu and select ‘Payment Calculators’ in the drop-down menu that appears.
Step 2: Next, select ‘Add new’ to create a new Payment Calculator or ‘Edit’ on a Payment Calculator you have already created.
Step 3: A pop-up box will then appear with the options for setting up your Payment Calculator.
One of the questions you will be asked is, ‘Allow people to pay by instalments?’ – select, ‘Yes’.
Step 4: Once you have selected ‘Yes’ additional fields will appear.
Here, you can select the number of instalments a payment can be made in and the frequency with which they are taken - for example, weekly or monthly.
Step 5: You will also be able to select whether you would like to charge an additional fee for paying by instalments.
If you choose ‘Yes’, enter the amount you would like the additional fee to be. This will then show you the total cost the Payment Calculator will equate to, including the additional fee.
Step 6: Once you are happy with your choices and the rest of the Payment Calculator settings, click ‘Save and Finish’.
You will now have successfully created the option for people to pay for the Payment Calculator in instalments.
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